The Plural "I"

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Concept I experience that I probably can’t properly put into words but will attempt to anyway: the plural “I”.
Since two of my headmates were also my past lives, I was them at some point and _their_ experiences are actually also
my past experiences. It’s why when talking about my dragon kintype I switch between referring to myself and referring to Ammy, since it applies to both of us simultaneously. But since she is a previous version of me, I can still use first person like “I” and “my” and have it be technically true.
Using “I/my” and “we/our” becomes equally applicable in those cases.
There is the term "you&", but personally we don’t really care for the word as much for addressing us. It’s referring to everyone collectively and not just who’s present in the conversation. Honestly just using “you” is fine and preferred, we're fine with direct addressing! The others don’t interact with the world much, and usually just keep it that way unless someone specifically wants to talk to them.
If you do refer to us collectively, honestly just say “you all” or “y'all”.