Mind-altering Substances and Their Effects On The (Plural) System

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Content Warning
This section contains mentions of drugs and alcohol.
Every body and system is different; everything I've detailed here might not be the case for you!
The Part With All The Text
This is just a somewhat short entry on how these substances manage to affect me (the host) but not any of my headmates. I'm not an expert, and cannot give and substantial reason as to *why* these things happen, just that they oddly enough do.
I enjoy cocktails as much as the next guy, and while I've never gotten *drunk* (nor do I want to, ppl get drunk for fun? idgi), I have drank enough before to get a bit tipsy. This feeling seems to be exclusive to myself though, since my headmates will comment on it and not seem to be affected at all by the alcohol.
In a similar fashion, I can be as high as a kite on edibles and they won't feel a thing. Instead, they're the main ones making sure I don't have a bad trip, and appear to be able to "re-focus" the body. It only lasts a moment, but the fact that it's possible at all may have some implications on the psychological effects of drug use.
Drugs and alcohol are known as "mind-altering substances", but what how much of it is reliant on the mind alone? My headmates can momentarily re-focus the body, and I've heard some accounts from other systems of just...not being under the influence anymore after switching (or vice versa). Does that mean it's potentially possible to instantly not be under the influence anymore if you can just tickle the right brain meat? Are "antidotes" possible?
Once again, I am not an expert, these are just my thoughts based on personal experiences and word-of-mouth.