On moving away from "shifting" terminology

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I want to start out by saying that I do still use the terms occasionally when necessary, otherwise people wouldn't know what I'm talking about/referring to.
When it comes to just myself though, and not just explaining it to others, I've began to just drop shifting terms since it doesn't feel that fitting anymore. On a scale of 0-100, I'm 100% integrated with my kintypes; meaning there is absolutely no separation between me being human and nonhuman. I'm both at once, simultaneously. A shift implies
some change/move, so if there is almost no change then there's no shift in my eyes.
I experience mental shifts, but if I'm
always in that state (or at least where identifying a start/stop is legitimately impossible) then a "change" isn't happening imo. I just am. For the record, I've seen the term "perma-shift" too and that doesn't fit either.
Ok, so how
do I explain it without shift terminology? Idk, I just… don't. A majority of statements stay exactly the same by just omitting the term. For example, something like "I'm having an X shift and it's making me feel Y" would just be "I feel Y".