Ammy’s experience in the alterhuman communities

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Speaker: Amorphous
I want to preface this by saying that I’m not otherkin, I’m simply a dragon. If I were otherkin then I would be a dragon that identifies as some non-dragon creature. Even so, I want to share my experiences among otherkin. I may not be able to cover everything here, but I am open to any questions that may be had.
As it has been mentioned in a previous post, the body shares one place to store memories. This means that years ago I didn’t remember a single thing about myself besides the fact that I was a dragon. I didn’t even remember too much about my appearance since I presently don’t have a body to reference. In reality I’m a voice and nothing more. Over the years as Pup discovered more about his otherkinity, by extension I learned more about myself. I was able to assist with meditation, and eventually astral projection. Eventually I had a clearer idea of who I was, what I looked like, and where I came from. There are still very large gaps in those memories, but the “cornerstones” of my life have largely been recovered. Interacting with dragonkin helped rule out what felt right and what didn’t, and unearthed some of the smaller details like hunting methods and even how I sleep.
As helpful as that was, there have been times within the therian/otherkin/alterhuman communities where my existence–or the manner of my existence–was questioned. I’ve been told I didn’t exist. I’ve been told that my existence was an insult and had to be suppressed. I’ve been told that my appearance is far too fantastical to possibly be legitimate. It was all very frustrating, and resulted in less spaces I felt comfortable being in. That number shrinks more in spaces where humans are seen as inferior and misanthropy runs high. I just can’t be bothered to stay in a space where humans, a species very important to me in my previous life and this one, are demonized.
THowever, I can say that the recent years have been more kind and that I’ve seen the community grow more accepting every year with our own two eyes. The community and the experiences therein have been instrumental to rediscovering who I am and has grown to provide a space where I’m welcomed, despite the discourse over the years. By not being otherkin or alterhuman in any way it would be very easy to remove myself entirely and be “above it all”, but the community is far to important to me to even consider that.
In a way, despite being perpetually an adult, I grew up here and will forever be a contributor.