
* Hey, you found my profile page!
Name: Beastpup
Nickname(s): Dinocanid, Dino, Pup, Alyn(AL-ee-
Gender: Transgender Male (FtM)
Pronouns: He/Him
Ok with Contact: Yes
Identity(ies): Black-phased wolf, Monster wolf, Dragon, Dromaeosaurus
Origin: Lots of places
Description: Black-phased wolf with two horns, back spikes, and ears that are often flattened. Has hands rather than forepaws, sickle claws on the hind paws, and reddish feathers on the elbows and fan tail.
General Hobbies/Interests: Drawing, Sewing, Video games, Cooking
Favorite Season: Winter
Personal Strengths: Can cook a mean pasta
Personal Weaknesses: Doesn't drink nearly enough water
Personal Quirks that others might find annoying: Often puts things in parentheses (like this).